New Here
Online or in-person, there's an option for you! Read ahead to learn more about what to expect.
Online or in-person
What to expect if you're joining in person
Our in-person worship services start at 9:30am and 11am on Sunday mornings. If you're wondering what to wear, be yourself; expect to see everything from flip-flops to sneakers to dress shoes.
Christ the King Church is located at 1082 Amelia Church Rd in Clayton, NC. Park your car in a spot of your choosing and head to the front door. Everyone is greeted at the door and offered a bulletin - which has information about the day's worship service, general information, and announcements.
From here, you have a few options: turn right and you'll enter the sanctuary or turn left and you'll find restrooms, classrooms, and the office or go straight ahead and you'll find our hospitality table with coffee, juice, and other goodies.
Feel free to grab a coffee and some treats. Stick around in the lobby to explore or socialize or head to the sanctuary to find a seat.
Children are welcome to join you in the sanctuary for worship or head towards the classrooms to check them in with the Nursery (age 4 and younger) or Children's Church (between age 5 and 12). Check in is available 10 minutes before the service begins.
In the sanctuary, there are no assigned seats. Sit wherever you like. Background music will be playing. Again, food and drink (and children) are welcome in the sanctuary. Once the service begins it goes something like this:
A worship leader (that's someone on stage) will invite everyone to stand and sing praise to God in an opening song - words provided on screen
A worship leader will welcome those gathered, invite everyone to be seated, give brief details on giving, offer a brief opening prayer, and then direct your attention to an on-screen video containing announcements from Pastor Heidi
Pastor Matt will welcome everyone and introduce the sacrament of Holy Communion, including a time where everyone is invited to pray The Lord's Prayer aloud - words provided on screen
Pastor Matt will invite everyone to stand and sing songs and come forward for Communion (if you like or not if you don't)
At different times between or after songs, worship leaders will read from The Bible and pray
As we move to the teaching time, everyone will be invited to thirty-three seconds of handshakes, high-fives, and hugs to say hello to your neighbor and "pass the peace of Christ".
Pastor Matt will invite everyone to be seated, read some scripture, and then teach (on average for about 18 minutes)
Following the teaching time, we'll stand and sing one more song of praise to God, and then Pastor Matt will close the service out and dismiss with "Let's get to work."
You can expect the service to run for 55 minutes, on average. If you would like to "test drive" a service before joining in person, you can always find past services in our Worship Archive.
After the service, you're welcome to stop back by the hospitality table, and you're encouraged to pick up any kids you checked-in. Pastor Matt will be at the front door to say goodbye and to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
What to expect if you're joining online
Our morning worship services are livestreamed to Facebook and YouTube. Streaming starts five minutes before the service begins, so you should expect to see the stream appear on Facebook and YouTube at 9:25am and 10:55am on Sunday mornings.
At the beginning of the stream, we run a countdown until the start of the service that includes a trivia game. Feel free to play along wherever you are. You can keep your answers to yourself or share them in the chat.
Speaking of the chat, if you're comfortable, we encourage you to leave a message in the chat letting us know where you are worshiping from that morning. Once the service begins, the order is exactly as described in the "in person" section above with three key differences:
First, while those gathered in person prepare for Communion, the livestream will cut to our Studio where you'll be greeted by a Livestream Worship Leader or two. After greeting you, they will give you some details on what's coming up later in the service, encourage you to comment/like/subscribe, and light a candle.
Second, while those gathered in person greet one another with handshakes, high-fives, and hugs, the Livestream Worship Leaders will briefly talk about prayer and how we can pray for one another as an online community.
Finally, after the service ends, we'll cut back to the Studio so the Livestream Worship Leaders can sign-off and offer some final details to our online community.
We're looking forward to meeting you, online or in-person!