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What is
Mad, Crazy Love?

Mad, Crazy Love (MCL) is the unconditional love of of Christ without judgment, guilt, or shame.

MCL is the Biblical principals of grace and holiness lived out. 


MCL is providing over $400,000 worth of groceries to thousands of local families every year. 


MCL is partnering with By the Sea Ministries to build over 50 ramps a year for those in need. 


MCL is reaching those that don’t know the Lord with the Good News of Christ’s salvation through repentance and a relationship with Him!


MCL is loving both God and neighbor. 


MCL is every age group falling head-over-heels in love with the One who loved us first. 


MCL is reaching out to people whose taste in political candidates or barbecues is different than our own. 


MCL is making the world “on earth as it is in Heaven.”


MCL is celebrating Holy Communion every Sunday. 


MCL is being friends, and not just friendly, with those you worship and serve the Lord with. 


MCL is a personal invitation to be part of what He is doing through Christ the King Church! 

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